Archives of JOS
Journal of Submission
Volume 9 No. 4
September 2001
Editors: Ali R. Fazely
and Milan Sulc
Requirements for
Happiness, Peace, and Prosperity
in this World as well as
in the Hereafter
GOD tells us in the Quran that He is the One, we should worship,
He is the One we should ask for help. Taking GOD as our only Lord, is
only way to salvation. GOD also tells us that deviation from this will bring
misery in this world as well as in the hereafter.
7:70 -- They said:
"Did you come to make us worship GOD ALONE and abandon what our
parents used worship? We challenge you to bring the doom you promised us if you
are truthful."
39:45 -- When GOD ALONE
is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter
sicken, but when others are mentioned besides Him, they rejoice.
40:11 -- They will say:
" Our Lord, You have given us two deaths and two lives, now we have
confessed our sins. Is there any way out?"
40:12 -- This is because
when GOD ALONE is called upon , you disbelieved, but when partners were
set up for Him, you believed. Therefore, judgement belongs to GOD, The Exalted,
The Great.
60:3 -- A good
example has been set for you by Abraham and those with him. They said to their
people, we separate ourselves from you and what you worship besides GOD.
We do not believe you and you will see nothing from us but opposition and
disenchantment, until you believe in GOD ALONE. However, not agood
exaple was Abraham's promise to his father when he said: "I will ask
forgiveness for you, but I possess no power to protect from GOD."
Our Lord, we trust in You, and repent to you, to You is our final destiny.
These are GOD's Signs and we should take heed and respond to Him
AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for our own good. Recent incidents when 19 hijackers committed mass
murder in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, killing thousands of people,
should be a wake up call for all the people to stop idolizing their messengers
such as Mohammad and Jesus and do not elevate them to rank with GOD. GOD
sent one religion and that is the religion of "peaceful submission
to GOD". This is the literal meaning of Islam. As the above verses
tell us the following are the absolute requirements for salvation.
1) We must worship
2) We must mention
3) We must call
4) We must believe
Any deviation from GOD's commandment will bring misery in this
world and especially in the hereafter where the misery is everlasting.
We are telling you that this is a mathematically proven message
from GOD well beyond human capability, and disobedience of GOD's message and
rejection of His Proofs will bring GOD's wrath upon the disbelievers.
Remember what happened to the people of Pharaoh. Worship GOD ALONE and
abandon what your parents used to worship.
GOD Insists: Chapter 9
has 127 Verses
We have been advocating that addition and subtraction from GOD's
message, namely the Quran, is a horrendous offense against GOD and will be
exposed in this
world and especially in the hereafter where we all stand in from
GOD as individuals
and have to answer for our actions in this life. The verses 9:128
and 9:129 do not belong to the Quran and inserted by those who set up Prophet
Mohammad as a
partner for GOD. Let me give you another Sign from GOD based
on the Ultimate
Mathematics of primes and their indices.
Sura 110, The Triumph
1 -- When GOD's support
comes and victory
2 -- You will see
the people embracing GOD's religion in waves.
-- You shall praise the glory of your Lord and ask Him for forgiveness,
indeed He is the Redeemer.
This chapter is the very last chapter revealed. Therefore, in the
order of revelation,
it is 114th sura. We see that it has 3 verses and we then have
We know that;
1143 = 9 x 127
Proclaiming that sura 9 has 127 verses. Praise be to GOD,
the Creator of all things. Remember also that from 1:1 to 9:127, there
are 1362 verses and the index of this composite is 1143 = 9 x 127.
Note that GOD has implemented this matrhematics to keep the Quran
pure. It is our duty to obey all verses in the Quran, not to pick and
choose verses out of context and attribute lies to GOD, or refer to other
sources beside the Quran and attibute them to GOD.
Journal of Submission
Volume 9 No. 3
Editors: Ali R. Fazely
and Milan Sulc
Mass Murder in the
United States
On September 11, 2001, four planes of the types Boeing 767 and 757
with passengers were
hijacked and three of them were used as human-guided missiles to
destroy the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked
plane crashed later near Pittsburgh, PA and killed everyone aboard. This
is by far the largest undeclared and unprovoked attack in the history of the
United States. President George W. Bush who was in Florida then, had to
cut his trip short and head back towards Washington. The situation was so
chaotic that for security reasons he was diverted to two different air force
bases before arriving in Washington. This indiscriminate killing of people is
condemned by GOD.
In the February issue of this Journal, Volume 8, Number 6, we
invited the leaders of the world, especially, Mr. Bush, the 19th republican
president and the 19th Governor who became a president to Worship GOD ALONE, to
mention GOD ALONE, to call upon GOD ALONE and to believe in GOD ALONE.
This way of life brings prosperity in this world and most importantly, makes us
amongst the ones close to GOD in the hereafter. This is the religion of
Submission. Remember that GOD has shown us the Quran as His final scripture
armed with the built-in Ultimate Mathematics as a warner, as well as a bearer
of good news. We again invite Mr. Bush and encourage him to become an
example for the rest of the world by embracing Submission to GOD ALONE.
GOD will then bless him generously and give him wisdom and protect
him. Ignoring this invitation from GOD, the Almighty, the All- Merciful,
will bring unhappiness.
We also take this opportunity to warn the leaders of the world,
religious leaders and religious scholars, including the Pope, US TV preachers,
Dalai Lama, and Muslim leaders to stop advocating non-scriptural messages for
political reasons, and come back to GOD's message and worship GOD ALONE. The
following article is a stern warning to these groups.
GOD Insists:
Sura 9 has 127 Verses
9:1 -- An ultimatum has been issued from
GOD and His messenger to those who
assign partners for Him who enter into
an agreement with you.
GOD warns the people who set up partners for Him. GOD,
therefore, revealed the Quran more than 1400 years ago and He chose the order
of revelation to be in a specific order different from the compiled version
that we have today. These two sophisticated different numbering system combined
with the Ultimate Mathematics of primes and their indices are some of the
mathematical guards to preserve the authenticity of the Quran and especially
the number of verses in the Quran.
The mathematical Sign that we are just about to observe again
assigns 127 verses to sura 9 and strengthen the hearts of those who believe in
GOD Alone.
Let us look at sura 9, and find out its order of revelation. We find it to be the 113th sura that was revealed. Therefore, verse 9:1 in the compilation order is 113:1 in the order of revelation. However, we know that;
1131st prime is 9127
This again in a very straight-forward method tells that sura 9 has
127 verses. May GOD be praised, Creator of all things.
Journal of Submission
Volume 9 No. 2
Editors: Ali R. Fazely
and Milan Sulc
GOD Insists:
Sura 9 has 127 Verses
GOD recealed the Quran more than 1400 years ago and the order of
revelation was not the same as the compiled version that we have today. This is
a sophosticated of two different numbering system to preserve the authenticity
of the Quran and especially the number of verses in the Quran. Indeed
both the revelation and the compilation of the Quran are by divine design and
they tell us that Quran in the unalterd word of GOD. Let us see how Quran was
collected as the Quran which we have the privilege of reading.
75:16 -- Do not move
your tongue to rush it
75:17 -- Indeed, it is
Us who collect it into Quran.
Now let us look at sura 92, called "The Night". This
sura has 21 verse. Note that 92 is the gematric value of the word
"Mohammad" and chapter or sura 21 is called "The Prophets".
This is another Quranic numerical assertion that the final prophet was prophet
Mohammad (33:40). A prophet, by Quranic definition is a scripture bearing
messenger of GOD, therefore, Quran is the last scripture revealed by GOD.
Sura 92 was the 9th sura revealed and remember that Qura was revealed in a
night in the
9th month of the lunar calendar called Ramadan, again according to the Quran,
the word of GOD.
The number 9221 is prime number and its index is 1143 and as we
have known for sometime, by GOD's Grace that 1143 = 9 x 127 and 1143rd
composite is 1362 and that
1362 is the total number of numbered verses until 9:127. Such is GOD's design.
GOD's Grace Showered our
By the Grace of GOD, we had a fulfilling meeting here in Baton
Rouge. An almost consatnt commemoration of GOD throughout the entire meeting.
We started with a visual presentation of the Ultimate Mathematics of the Quran
and continued with the a non-stop recitation of GOD's book. GOD
explained many things to us during this meeting as He tells us that He is the
Teacher of the Quran. We learned and stressed to ourselves, as those who
have submitted to GOD, that we must obey GOD's commandments and
priorities that He has elucidated for us in the Quran. GOD emphsizes the
2:177 -- Righteousness
is not turing your faces towards the east or the west, but righteous are those
who believe in GOD, the last day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets;
and give the money inspite of loving it, to the relatives, the orphans, the
poor, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves; and they
observe the contact prayers and give the obligatory charity; and they keep
their word whenever they make a promise; and steadfastly persevere in the face
of adversity, hardship, and persecution. These are the truthful; these are the
We will by GOD's help try to adhere to GOD's priorities and become
better servants of GOD. Even spending your time to help a needy person is
an effort in the cause of GOD. If between believing in GOD and your
contact prayers there are gaps that you can not fill as they are explained by
GOD in the above verse, then ask GOD to make you conform to His will.
GOD is the Almighty
Once again GOD has provided for us the ability to broadcast His
message to the whole world at the speed of light at no cost. As of today,
those who browse through this website will have the opportunity of witnessing
the animated powerpoint presentation with some verses recited from Quran on its
Ultimate Mathematics. GOD perfects His light by providing this tool
called the internet where His Signs can be seen by thousands of people
aound the world.
In order to view these beautiful powerpoint slides, please click
on the icon with the computer picture on this page upper left corner. The
"Homestead" page will come up on your screen, with a page icon
labelled "fazely.ppt", click on this icon and slides should apear on
your screen. You must have a powerpoint reader installed on your computer to be
able to view these slides. May we praise GOD more and more as each day passes
Agenda for the July 2001
GOD Willing
July 6
1:00 - 1:45 p.m. Jumaah Contact Prayer, Ali R.
1:55 - 2:05 p.m. Continuous Praise of GOD, Ali R.
2:10 - 3:30 p.m. Proof from GOD, Ultimate
Mathematics of the Quran, Ali R. Fazely
3:30 - 4:15 p.m. Break
4:15 - 4:45 p.m. Quran Recitation
4:45 - 5:15 p.m. Quran Recitation
5:15 - 6:15 p.m. Dinner
6:20 - 6:50 p.m. Quran Recitation
6:50 - 7:05 p.m. Middle Contact Prayer
7:10 - 7:40 p.m. Quran Recitation
7:40 - 8:10 p.m. Quran Recitation
8:10 - 8:25 p.m. Quran Recitation
8:30 - 9:00 p.m. Quran Recitation
9:00 - 9:30 p.m. Quran Recitation
9:30 - 9:45 p.m. Esha Contact Prayer
Saturday, July 7
8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Quran Recitation
8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Quran Recitation
9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Quran Recitation
9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Quran Recitation
10:00 - 10:45 a.m. Break
10:45 - 11:15 a.m. Quran Recitation
11:15 - 11:45 a.m. Quran Recitation
11:45 - 12:15 p.m. Quran Recitation
12:15 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 - 1:20 p.m. Declining Sun Contact Prayer
1:20 - 1:50 p.m. Quran Recitation
1:50 - 2:20 p.m. Quran Recitation
2:20 - 2:50 p.m. Quran Recitation
2:50 - 3:20 p.m. Quran Recitation
3:20 - 4:00 p.m. Break
4:00 - 4:30 p.m. Quran Recitation
4:30 - 5:00 p.m. Quran Recitation
Please note that those who arrive on Thursday evening, we will
read the Quran and glorify GOD and this will continue for those who stay over
Saturday night as well as Sunday, insha Allah.
Journal of Submission Volume 9, Number 1 April-May 2001 Editors: Ali R. Fazely and Milan
Sulc E-mail: We are Starting our 9th Year by
GOD's Help GOD
has helped us to come this far and spread His message that "there is no
god except Allah", and as a consequence we have to worship GOD
Alone. We must not set up partners for GOD and avoid this unforgivable sin in
order to attain salvation in the hereafter. This Journal is the only
publication consistantly and persistently warning people of the last day when
we are to meet and stand as individuals in front of our Creator. We
warn those who set up partners for GOD and and we give good news to those who
worship Him Alone. These warnings and good news are in accordance with GOD's
commandments as they have been spelled out clearly in the Quran. We
also have solid proof from GOD, in the form of the Ultimate Mathematics of
the Quran that the message is indeed from GOD and that those who reject GOD's
proofs will have to answer to Him on the day of judgement. According to
the Quran, we declare that there is only one religion acceptable to GOD and
that is Islam or Submission. The entire universe obeys this one religion and
we must do the same as well. We
must stop asking dead prophets and saints for help and return to GOD who is
the Living, the Eternal for all our needs. Stop worshipping the tombs and
decorate them against the will of the prophets. Let us see what GOD is
telling us in the Quran. 2:186-- And when My servants
ask you about Me, I am always near, I respond to
call of any caller who calls on Me. Therefore, they shall respond to Me
and believe in Me that they may attain guidance. Note
the use of "first person singular" in this verse in order to stress
the fact we must always ask GOD directly for anything we need. Those
who worship GOD Alone, will simply say, " we hear and we obey".
Please read the Quran and ask GOD to teach you help to understand
it. GOD is the Teacher of the Quran. You may have the excuse that
you do not know Arabic, then learn it. Is it too much to ask. You learn
many other things to get by in this wordly life. You learn many
languages including computer languages, is it only a problem when it come to
the language of GOD's book and we devlope all kinds of excuses.
Remember that when sincerely approach the Quran, GOD makes it easy for you,
He makes you grasp is and learn it by heart. Again let us see what GOD
is telling us in the Quran. 41:43 -- Had We made it a
non-Arabic Quran, they would have said : "Why did it
come down in that lamguage?" Whether it is non-Arabic or
Arabic, say,
those who believe it is beacon and healing as for those who do not
, they will be deaf and blind to it as if they are being called from
a far away place." It is therefore very important to
wake up and return to GOD and start to believe in His Signs and Proofs befor
e the time when no belief will help any one. Format for Talks at the Baton
Rouge Meeting We
will have our annual meeting here in Baton Rouge, LA on July 6 and 7, 2001,
insha Allah. Tahir Majeed has reserved a block of rooms at the Comfort
Inn University Center at a rate of $45 per night. Please refer to the Quran
Conference when making reservation. All
activities will be held at the hotel insha Allah,. The address is: 2445
S. Acadian Thruway Baton
Rouge, LA 70808 Phone:
(225) 927-5790 Fax:
(225) 925-0084 We
suggest that all speakers should be randomly chosen from the conference
attendees and read a number of verses from the Quran. I do not see
anything more appropriate than hearing the word of GOD. The spontaneous
nature of the selection allows the reciter to be relying on GOD Alone for
understanding the Quran. This is the only way to grasp GOD's message.
After all GOD is the One who teaches the Quran. We
assign 30 minutes to each reciter to read the verses and tell the rest
his/her understanding of GOD's Proofs. GOD Insists Sura 9 Has 127 Proofs Once
again GOD provides irrefutable mathematical proof that chapter 9 has 127
verses or signs or proofs. When we read the word "aye' " in
Arabic all these meaning, namely, verse, sign, or proof are implicitly
transmitted to the reader. Let us
look at the frequency of the word "Allah" or GOD in the
Quran. We note that in the compilation form the last usage of the word GOD or
its 2698th frequency is in verse 112:2. Now if we look at the order of
revelation of the verse 112:2, we find that it is the 333rd revealed verse. Number 333 is 1143 written in base 19 and 1143 = 9
x 127 From
1:1 to 9:127, there are 1362 vesres and this number is a composite and it is
the 1143rd composite. The
positional difference of 1362 and 1143 is; 1362 - 1143 = 219 The number 219 written
in base 8 or octal is 333 and 333 is 1143 written in base 19. So we are back
to 1143 = 9 x 127. Note also that the 8th prime is 19. Such
is GOD's Design, Creator of all things. |
Journal of Submission Volume 8, Number 7 March 2001 Editors: Ali R. Fazely and Miln
Sulc E-mail: Awsome Mathematical Proof One
more time, GOD is telling us that the Quran is a fuuly detailed book revealed
to people in order to take them out of the darkness into the light. GOD
revealed the Quran as a warner as well as a bearer of good news. GOD
has spelled His will for the people and going along with GOD's will brings
happness and an imaginable reward in the hereafter. As so many times
before, we are blessed by witnessing the mathematics of the Quran proving
that we are dealing with the truth from our Lord. The mathematics
described in th earticle is from sura 19 in the Quran. We have seen that the
order of revelation of the Quran and the corresponding compostional order of
the Quran have an awesome intricate relation that could only be authored by
GOD alone. Sura
19 is called Mary and it has 98 verses and the word "Allah"
or GOD ahs been mentioned only 8 times. Note that 8th prime number is
19. Sura 19 is also the 6th initialled
sura that was revealed. Note that the 619 is prime number and its index
is 114 and that 114 = 6 x 19. I remind the reader that 114 is the
number of suras in the Quran. The word GOD is mentioned for the first time in
this sura in verse 30. Note that 30 is the 19th composite. This
verse refers to a great proof from GOD and it follows,
19:30 -- He said: " Indeed I am a servant of
GOD. He has given the scripture and has made me a prophet." This
is the new-born baby Jesus talking, by GOD's command, to his mother's
accusers. According to the mathematics of the Quran this verse has an
important position to show us and prove to us that this event actually
happened. 19:30 is the 114th verse containing the word "Allah" in
the revelation order. The number 114 being the number of chapters in
the Quran, also tells that Jesus like other messengers and prophets would
have believed and preached the Quran which is GOD's word. These
awesome mathematical signs are proofs that Quran is the narration of GOD and
these miracles actually did occur and since you and I were not there, GOD
gives us assurance in the Quran and proves to us by the Ultimate Mathematics
that can only be designed by GOD alone. We, therefore, should never
slip in our obedience of GOD's commandments in the Quran and after witnessing
these awesome proofs, our responsibilty is greater than those who were not
witness to them.
Another Tragedy in Mina During
the last Haj about three weeks ago, according to the news agencies, 35
pilgrims were killed near a place which the practice of symbolic stoning of
the devil is exercised. The same event happened three years ago in the same
place where many more people were trampled to death by surging crowd eager to
stone the devil. This ritual is not mentioned in the Quran and in order to
remain within GOD's law we must obey the Quran. GOD tells in the Quran that
satan has no power over those who devote themselves absolutely to GOD alone. The
word Mina has never been mentioned in the Quran. The rites of Haj is spelled
out precisely in the Quran and they are very simple. GOD tells us where we
should visit and what we should do, even a rite as common as a haircut is mentined.
Haj can be performed in the first ten days the four sacred months of
"ZelHejja', Muharram, Safar and RabeeolAwwal". These
so-called accidents during pilgrimage should not happen, becaude GOD tells
that He has made Kaaba a secure place. Therefore, whatever tragic event
happens is because of our own disobedience of GOD's commandments. We
must obey GOD to the last detail as He has decreed the religion for us. GOD
ask us in the Quran:
49:16 -- Say, " Are you teaching GOD about
your religion? and GOD knows what is in the skies and what is on the land,
and GOD is All Knowing of all things." One
should not take this question lightly and try to stick to GOD's word.
Prosperity and happiness in this world and eternal bliss in the hereafter is GOD's
promise to those who obey His Will.
Annual Meeting is Baton Rouge We
will have our annual meeting here in Baton Rouge, LA on July 6 and 7, 2001,
insha Allah. Tahir Majeed has reserved a block of rooms at the Comfort
Inn University Center at a rate of $45 per night. Please refer to the Quran
Conference when making reservation. All
activities will be held at the hotel insha Allah,. The address is: 2445
S. Acadian Thruway Baton
Rouge, LA 70808 Phone:
(225) 927-5790 Fax:
(225) 925-0084 The
agenda for the meeting will be posted on this site soon, insha Allah. Journal of Submission Volume 8 No. 6 February 2001 Editors: Ali R. Fazely and Milan
Sulc Great Responsibilty In
spite of GOD's continuous revelations and proofs, people choose
not to follow the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy. Is it
so difficult to accept GOD as the only Lord and Master? Why is it so hard to
worship GOD, the One who has granted us our existence? He is GOD, there is no
other god except He. The One who provides for us. The One who heals when we
get sick . The One who is the All Gracious, the All Merciful. The One who
answers our prayers. Do we not owe Him everything? As a people who
connect to this site, we have a higher responsibility to obey GOD. GOD knows
that and He in return expects more from us. Those who are blessed with GOD's
bounty and have received bonuses throughout their worldly life, owe a great
debt to GOD, to be humble and charitable. World
leaders who rule millions of people have a great responsibilty to worship GOD
alone. Recently in the US after an unprecedented close and
controversial presidential election, George W. Bush was sworn into the most
powerful office in the world. Mr. Bush in exchange is invited to turn his
worship to GOD alone and obey the One who gave him this important
office. According to the 19-based Quranic mathematical proof, Mr.
Bush is the 19th republican and the 19th governor who has become the president
of the United States. This is a proof for George W. Bush that he has
been called upon by GOD, the Almighty, to become a submitter. Mr.
Bush's stance on avoiding intoxicants, abortion, lowering interest rates,
family values, shunning homosexuality, and encouraging people to morality is
in line with GOD's commandments. Next, he should take the bold step of
calling upon GOD and mentioning GOD "Alone". This means that He
should obey GOD and His messengers including Jesus whom he mentioned in one of
his debates as a person whom he admires the most. He accordingly should
obey the message that GOD's messengers advocated which is "WORSHIP GOD
ALONE". This simple message unites people in the world. Mr. Bush
can be an example for other world leaders who are ruling millions of people
in their countries. We invite all world leaders as well as religious
leaders to abandan commemorating messengers and other entities they worship
besides GOD and come to the path of GOD. We in the United States have
been blessed by GOD more than any other people in the world. We accordingly
must come back to GOD, the source of our blessing and take Him as our only
Lord and Master. Many people in the US, have deified Jesus against his
will. This will eventually bring misery to us and GOD will take His
blessings away from us. At
this point, we would like to narrate the true history of Jesus for the people
from the Quran. Remember that Quranic history is mathematically coded beyond
our mathematical knowledge. This narration is from chapter 19, verses
(proofs) 1 -40, called Mary, in the Quran.
In the Name of
GOD, The All Gracious, The All Merciful 1.
K. H. Y. 'A. S. (Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ayn Saad) 2.
A narration about your Lord's mercy towards His servant Zachariah. 3.
He called his Lord, a secret call. 4.
He said, "My Lord, my bones have turned brittle in my body, and my hair
is aflame with gray. As I implore You, my Lord, I never despair." 5.
"And I fear for my dependants after me, for my wife has been sterile.
Grant me, from You, an heir." 6.
"Let him be my heir and the heir of Jacob's clan, and make him, my Lord,
acceptable." 7.
"O Zachariah, We give you good news; a boy whose name shall be
John. We never created anyone like him before." 8.
He said, "My Lord, will I have a son despite my wife's sterility, and
despite my old age?" 9.
He said, "Thus said your Lord: 'It is easy for Me to do. I
created you before that, and you were nothing.' " 10.
He said, "My Lord, give me a sign." He said, "Your sign
is that you will not speak to the people for three consecutive nights." 11.
He came out to his family, from the sanctuary, and signaled to them:
"Meditate day and night." 12.
"O John, uphold the scripture, strongly." We endowed him with
wisdom, even in his youth. 13.
And kindness from Us, and purity; he was righteous. 14.
He was kind to his parents, never a disobedient tyrant. 15.
Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is
resurrected back to life. 16.
Mention in the scripture Mary. She isolated herself from her family,
into an eastern location. 17.
While a barrier separated her from them, We sent to her Our Spirit. He
went to her in the form of a perfect man. 18.
She said, "I seek refuge in the All Gracious, unless you are
righteous." 19.
He said, "I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure
son." 20.
She said, "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, and I have
never been unchaste." 21.
He said, "Thus said your Lord. 'It is easy for Me. We will
render him a sign for the people, and mercy from Us. This matter is
already decided.' " 22.
When she bore him, she isolated herself to a faraway place. 23.
The birth pangs came to her by the trunk of a palm tree. She said,
"I wish I were dead, and completely forgotten." 24.
He then called her from beneath her, saying, "Do not grieve. Your
Lord has provided you with a stream." 25.
"And if you shake the trunk of this palm tree, it will drop ripe dates
for you." 26.
"Eat and drink, and be happy. When you see anyone, say, 'I have
made a vow of silence; I am not talking, today, to anyone.' " 27.
She came with him to her family, carrying him. They said, "O Mary, you
have committed something gross." 28.
"O sister of Aaron, your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother
unchaste." 29.
She pointed to him. They said, "How can we talk with an infant in
the crib?" 30.
He said "I am a servant of GOD, He has given me the scripture, and made
me a prophet." 31.
"He made me blessed wherever I go, and enjoined me to observe the
contact prayers and the obligatory charity for as long as I live." 32.
"I am to honor my mother, He did not make me a disobedient rebel." 33.
"And peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I
get resurrected." 34.
Such was Jesus, the son of Mary. This is the truth of this matter,
about which they have a lot of doubt. 35.
GOD is never to beget a son, be He glorified. To have anything done, He
says to it, "Be," and it is. 36.
He also proclaimed, "GOD is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him
alone. This is the straight path." 37.
The various parties disputed among themselves. Therefore, woe to those
who disbelieve from the sight of a terrible day. 38.
Wait till you hear them and see them when they come to face Us. The
transgressors on that day will be totally lost. 39.
Warn them about the day of sorrow, when judgement will be issued. For they
are totally oblivious, they do not believe. 40.
Indeed, We are inheritor of the land. and everyone on it, to Us they will be
returned. Remember
that these are GOD's proofs you are reading. Believing in GOD's proofs will
bring prosperity in this world and in the hereafter, one will be close to GOD
eternally. On the other hand, disobeying GOD's commandments and denying
His proofs, will hurt no one except the person him/herself. Journal of Submission Volume 8, No. 5 January 2001 GOD Insists upon Perfecting
His Light Sura 9 has 127 Verses GOD
again gives us assurance that we must uphold His word and obey Him in order
to attain salvation and spend the hereafter in bliss for eternity. The wages
of transgressing GOD's limits are misery and painful punishment forever. GOD
has sent us messengers as warners as well as bearer of good news. The
mathematics of the Quran is a warning that laws of GOD must not be violated
or we will have to suffer the consequences of our own deeds. Remember
that GOD's laws are based on mathematical equation and they are in
perfect balance. Any disturbance of this delicate order in the algebaric
equation will be compensated and equalized by GOD. Here again GOD shows
His proofs and that chapter 9 has 127 verses.
A new Quranic
understading of the meaning of the word "Ayeh" During
the month of Ramadan, we were blessed to understand that the word
"Ayeh" in the Quran, usually understood as "verse" has a
deeper meaning and the new understanding according to GOD is
"proof". Therefore, from now on we refer to the verses in the
Quran as proofs. The
new revelation about sura 9 having 127 proofs is based on the permuation
group properties of the digits 1, 2, 3, and 6. The following table
shows all 24 group elements.
Group Element Index
Group Element
6321 The
first group element is exactly the number of proofs from the beginning of the
Quran to 9:1. The 4th group element 1362 is the number of proofs from the
beginning of the Quran to 9:127. The 19th group element is the number of
proofs from the beginnging f the Quran to 96:19. Note that 96:19 was
the 19th proof revealed by GOD. These mathematical proofs were revealed
before and now let us
focus on the 22nd group element, 6231. This is exactly the number of proofs
in the revelation order upto and including 9:127. The 6231st proof from
beginning of the Quran is 114:3.
is GOD creation. GOD be parised. Journal of Submission\ Volume 8, Number 4 December 2000 GOD's Awesome Sign Count of Verses is Sura 9 is 127 We
have seen so many times GOD's proofs of the counts of verses in the Quran and
that every sura is to have a specific number of verses and GOD has promissed
that He has revealed the Quran and that He protects it.
15:9 -- Indeed we have revealed the reminder and indeed we are its
protector GOD
has revealed and has collected the Quran with a built-in internal self
consistency check based on mathematics of primes and their indices well
beyond our knowledge. There
are two orders to the suras and verses in Quran. One is the order of
revelation and the other is the conventional order. The order of
revelation places sura 96 as the first sura and the last sura as 110. The
conventional order is what GOD collected as we see it today as sura 1 being
"the Opener" and the last sura is being "the
People". Accordingly, when we talk about verse 19 of chapter 96,
we should note that this is the 19th verse that was revealed. From the
prevoius articles in this jounal we know that this verse has a pivotal role
in controlling the number of verses in sura 9. Therefore, when we count
number of verses in the Quran, we are really counting them in two orders,
conventional and revelation. In
this article we will see GOD's awesome sign of how these two orders of
counting coincide to keep the count of verses in sura 9 as 127. The
counts of verses from the beginning of the Quran until 9:127 in the
conventional order is 1362. The index of composite 1362 is 1143 and we
know that:
1143 = 9 x 127. Now if
we count only the number of verses in the unintialed sura until 9:127 in the
conventional order we get 670 and we have the following relation between 670
and 1143;
1143 - 670 = 473
473 = 11 x 43 Now
let us concentrated on 11 and 43 and indices of primes 31 and 191 and
multiplying 31 and 191 will get us
31 x 191 = 5921 Please
keep the two numbers 473 and 5921 in mind. The
5921st verse in the conventional order is the same as the 473rd verse in the
revelation order. This
is GOD's design to again reasure us as we finished the month of Ramadan that
we are being reminded . This is awesome blessing from our Creator and
accordingly our responsibility is higher than those who do not know about
these proofs from GOD. All
praises are due to GOD, Creator of all things. Happy Ramadan The
month of Ramadan is upon us again as a blessing from GOD. This is a
chance for us to redeen ourselves and put oursleves in charge of
our bodies for a whole month. According to GOD's commandment in the
Quran as it was decreed to those before the revelation of the Quran, we are
to abstain from eating, drinking and sexsual contact from dawn to
night. GOD tells us fasting is best for us only if we knew. Those
amongst us who are blessed by wealth, should feed the poor and the
needy. If one is ill or on a trip, he/she shall substitute
equivalent days to compensate for the days he/she has missed. We
ask GOD to help us during this month so we are able to fulfil our duties.
The first day of Rmadan:
November 26, 2000
The last day of Ramadan:
December 25, 2000 Journal of Submission Volume 8, Number 3 September-October-November 2000 Doing Good is the First
Inspiration form GOD Letter
from the Editor: For so
many years we have been advocating upholding GOD's commandments in the Quran,
but as always we do not get our priorties in line
as GOD wants us do. This happens because we always approach the Quran
in less than a sincere way. This approach will leave us reading verses
in the Quran many times and miss the point that GOD wants us to see and
uphold. Before I get too carried away, let me site a verse for you from
the Quran that I have referred to so many times to people but failed to see
its actual significance and awesome meaning. Here is the verse: 21:73
-- And We made them leaders who guided according to our commandments and
inspired in them to do good, and to perform the Salat (contact prayer) and to
give the Zakat (obligitory charity). To us, they were worshipers. This
verse was quoted to argue that performance of Salat is an inspiration from
GOD which is absolutely correcrt. However, note the way GOD prioritize His
Inspiartions. He first inspires people to do good, then He inspires them to
do the contact prayer and finally to give the Zakat. This
means that people who behave arrogantly and treat others with mean
heartedness and turn around and do their contact prayers are not inspired by
GOD. They have their priorities mixed up. GOD does not command
according to confusion. We read over and over in the Quran "those
who believe and lead a righteous life...", which means that believing is
only the first step and we must augment it with good work. I do not
know how to tell you to do good work, because it is an inspiration from
GOD. However, reading the Quran tells us being humble is righteous,
sheltering orphan is righteous, truthfulness is good, sincerity is
good, helping others is good, being
nice to others is good and many other good things that people who are
inspired by GOD do automatically without even thinking about it. We,
therefore, should ask these questions from ourselves. Have been nice to
people? Have we been nice to the traveling alien. Did we despise the beggar?
Did we invest our time and our money helping others. Did we give the
adopted child his/her genetic name? Do we treat our parents nicely? Do we
spy? Are we suspicious? Do we tell half truth? Do we subdue our eyes?
Do we frown? Do we shelter the orphan? The answers to these questions
should be given honestly and truthfully and if done so, GOD will see to it
that our lives will change for the better and we are in the position to obey
GOD better and better. Being
nice is so important, especially in this month of Ramadan. We are fasting and
the fasting is for GOD alone. No one owes anything just because we are
fasting. We cannot turn into mean and obnoxious creatures during the
day and just refrain from eating and drinking. We must suppress the feeling of
just because of fasting we maybe better than everyone else. These can
be achieved only by GOD's help. We cannot do this on our own. I can
tell you that the only way to be inspired by GOD, is to ask Him and He will
respond and I give you the good news by refering to this Sign from GOD. 2:186
-- And when my servants ask you about Me, Indeed I am always near. I
respond to the calling of the caller when he calls. Then you shall respond to
me and believe in Me that you may be guided. This
is the good news of the Quran when all else fails. This is how
"good" replaces "evil" within a person. Approach
GOD humbly and He will respond. Also
one has to recognize that he or she is not leading a righteous life or is not
doing good. Again, this is only achieved by GOD's help. Journal of Submission Volume 8, Number 4 December 2000 GOD's Awesome Sign Count of Verses is Sura 9 is 127 We
have seen so many times GOD's proofs of the counts of verses in the Quran and
that every sura is to have a specific number of verses and GOD has promissed
that He has revealed the Quran and that He protects it.
15:9 -- Indeed we have revealed the reminder and indeed we are its
protector GOD
has revealed and has collected the Quran with a built-in internal self
consistency check based on mathematics of primes and their indices well
beyond our knowledge. There
are two orders to the suras and verses in Quran. One is the order of
revelation and the other is the conventional order. The order of
revelation places sura 96 as the first sura and the last sura as 110. The
conventional order is what GOD collected as we see it today as sura 1 being
"the Opener" and the last sura is being "the
People". Accordingly, when we talk about verse 19 of chapter 96,
we should note that this is the 19th verse that was revealed. From the
prevoius articles in this jounal we know that this verse has a pivotal role
in controlling the number of verses in sura 9. Therefore, when we count
number of verses in the Quran, we are really counting them in two orders,
conventional and revelation. In
this article we will see GOD's awesome sign of how these two orders of
counting coincide to keep the count of verses in sura 9 as 127. The
counts of verses from the beginning of the Quran until 9:127 in the
conventional order is 1362. The index of composite 1362 is 1143 and we
know that:
1143 = 9 x 127. Now if
we count only the number of verses in the unintialed sura until 9:127 in the
conventional order we get 670 and we have the following relation between 670
and 1143;
1143 - 670 = 473
473 = 11 x 43 Now
let us concentrated on 11 and 43 and indices of primes 31 and 191 and
multiplying 31 and 191 will get us
31 x 191 = 5921 Please
keep the two numbers 473 and 5921 in mind. The
5921st verse in the conventional order is the same as the 473rd verse in the
revelation order. This
is GOD's design to again reasure us as we finished the month of Ramadan that
we are being reminded . This is awesome blessing from our Creator and
accordingly our responsibility is higher than those who do not know about
these proofs from GOD. All
praises are due to GOD, Creator of all things. Journal of Submission Volume 8, No. 5 January 2001 GOD Insists upon Perfecting
His Light Sura 9 has 127 Verses GOD
again gives us assurance that we must uphold His word and obey Him in order
to attain salvation and spend the hereafter in bliss for eternity. The wages
of transgressing GOD's limits are misery and painful punishment forever. GOD
has sent us messengers as warners as well as bearer of good news. The
mathematics of the Quran is a warning that laws of GOD must not be violated
or we will have to suffer the consequences of our own deeds. Remember
that GOD's laws are based on mathematical equation and they are in
perfect balance. Any disturbance of this delicate order in the algebaric
equation will be compensated and equalized by GOD. Here again GOD shows
His proofs and that chapter 9 has 127 verses.
A new Quranic
understading of the meaning of the word "Ayeh" During
the month of Ramadan, we were blessed to understand that the word
"Ayeh" in the Quran, usually understood as "verse" has a
deeper meaning and the new understanding according to GOD is
"proof". Therefore, from now on we refer to the verses in the
Quran as proofs. The
new revelation about sura 9 having 127 proofs is based on the permuation
group properties of the digits 1, 2, 3, and 6. The following table
shows all 24 group elements.
Group Element Index
Group Element
6321 The
first group element is exactly the number of proofs from the beginning of the
Quran to 9:1. The 4th group element 1362 is the number of proofs from the
beginning of the Quran to 9:127. The 19th group element is the number of
proofs from the beginnging f the Quran to 96:19. Note that 96:19 was
the 19th proof revealed by GOD. These mathematical proofs were revealed
before and now let us
focus on the 22nd group element, 6231. This is exactly the number of proofs
in the revelation order upto and including 9:127. The 6231st proof from
beginning of the Quran is 114:3.
is GOD creation. GOD be parised. Journal of Submission Volume 8 No. 6 February 2001 Editors: Ali R. Fazely and Milan
Sulc Great Responsibilty In spite
of GOD's continuous revelations and proofs, people choose not to
follow the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy. Is it so difficult
to accept GOD as the only Lord and Master? Why is it so hard to worship GOD,
the One who has granted us our existence? He is GOD, there is no other god
except He. The One who provides for us. The One who heals when we get sick .
The One who is the All Gracious, the All Merciful. The One who answers our
prayers. Do we not owe Him everything? As a people who connect to this
site, we have a higher responsibility to obey GOD. GOD knows that and He in
return expects more from us. Those who are blessed with GOD's bounty and have
received bonuses throughout their worldly life, owe a great debt to GOD, to
be humble and charitable. World
leaders who rule millions of people have a great responsibilty to worship GOD
alone. Recently in the US after an unprecedented close and
controversial presidential election, George W. Bush was sworn into the most
powerful office in the world. Mr. Bush in exchange is invited to turn his
worship to GOD alone and obey the One who gave him this important
office. According to the 19-based Quranic mathematical proof, Mr.
Bush is the 19th republican and the 19th governor who has become the president
of the United States. This is a proof for George W. Bush that he has
been called upon by GOD, the Almighty, to become a submitter. Mr.
Bush's stance on avoiding intoxicants, abortion, lowering interest rates,
family values, shunning homosexuality, and encouraging people to morality is
in line with GOD's commandments. Next, he should take the bold step of
calling upon GOD and mentioning GOD "Alone". This means that He
should obey GOD and His messengers including Jesus whom he mentioned in one
of his debates as a person whom he admires the most. He accordingly
should obey the message that GOD's messengers advocated which is
"WORSHIP GOD ALONE". This simple message unites people in the
world. Mr. Bush can be an example for other world leaders who are ruling
millions of people in their countries. We invite all world leaders as
well as religious leaders to abandan commemorating messengers and other
entities they worship besides GOD and come to the path of GOD. We in
the United States have been blessed by GOD more than any other people in the
world. We accordingly must come back to GOD, the source of our blessing and
take Him as our only Lord and Master. Many people in the US, have
deified Jesus against his will. This will eventually bring misery to us
and GOD will take His blessings away from us. At
this point, we would like to narrate the true history of Jesus for the people
from the Quran. Remember that Quranic history is mathematically coded beyond
our mathematical knowledge. This narration is from chapter 19, verses
(proofs) 1 -40, called Mary, in the Quran.
In the Name of
GOD, The All Gracious, The All Merciful 1.
K. H. Y. 'A. S. (Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ayn Saad) 2.
A narration about your Lord's mercy towards His servant Zachariah. 3.
He called his Lord, a secret call. 4.
He said, "My Lord, my bones have turned brittle in my body, and my hair
is aflame with gray. As I implore You, my Lord, I never despair." 5.
"And I fear for my dependants after me, for my wife has been
sterile. Grant me, from You, an heir." 6.
"Let him be my heir and the heir of Jacob's clan, and make him, my Lord,
acceptable." 7.
"O Zachariah, We give you good news; a boy whose name shall be
John. We never created anyone like him before." 8.
He said, "My Lord, will I have a son despite my wife's sterility, and
despite my old age?" 9.
He said, "Thus said your Lord: 'It is easy for Me to do. I
created you before that, and you were nothing.' " 10.
He said, "My Lord, give me a sign." He said, "Your sign
is that you will not speak to the people for three consecutive nights." 11.
He came out to his family, from the sanctuary, and signaled to them:
"Meditate day and night." 12.
"O John, uphold the scripture, strongly." We endowed him with
wisdom, even in his youth. 13.
And kindness from Us, and purity; he was righteous. 14.
He was kind to his parents, never a disobedient tyrant. 15.
Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is
resurrected back to life. 16.
Mention in the scripture Mary. She isolated herself from her family,
into an eastern location. 17.
While a barrier separated her from them, We sent to her Our Spirit. He
went to her in the form of a perfect man. 18.
She said, "I seek refuge in the All Gracious, unless you are
righteous." 19.
He said, "I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure
son." 20.
She said, "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, and I have
never been unchaste." 21.
He said, "Thus said your Lord. 'It is easy for Me. We will
render him a sign for the people, and mercy from Us. This matter is
already decided.' " 22.
When she bore him, she isolated herself to a faraway place. 23.
The birth pangs came to her by the trunk of a palm tree. She said,
"I wish I were dead, and completely forgotten." 24.
He then called her from beneath her, saying, "Do not grieve. Your
Lord has provided you with a stream." 25.
"And if you shake the trunk of this palm tree, it will drop ripe dates
for you." 26.
"Eat and drink, and be happy. When you see anyone, say, 'I have
made a vow of silence; I am not talking, today, to anyone.' " 27.
She came with him to her family, carrying him. They said, "O Mary, you
have committed something gross." 28.
"O sister of Aaron, your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother
unchaste." 29.
She pointed to him. They said, "How can we talk with an infant in
the crib?" 30.
He said "I am a servant of GOD, He has given me the scripture, and made me
a prophet." 31.
"He made me blessed wherever I go, and enjoined me to observe the
contact prayers and the obligatory charity for as long as I live." 32.
"I am to honor my mother, He did not make me a disobedient rebel." 33.
"And peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I
get resurrected." 34.
Such was Jesus, the son of Mary. This is the truth of this matter,
about which they have a lot of doubt. 35.
GOD is never to beget a son, be He glorified. To have anything done, He
says to it, "Be," and it is. 36.
He also proclaimed, "GOD is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him
alone. This is the straight path." 37.
The various parties disputed among themselves. Therefore, woe to those
who disbelieve from the sight of a terrible day. 38.
Wait till you hear them and see them when they come to face Us. The
transgressors on that day will be totally lost. 39.
Warn them about the day of sorrow, when judgement will be issued. For they
are totally oblivious, they do not believe. 40.
Indeed, We are inheritor of the land. and everyone on it, to Us they will be
returned. Remember
that these are GOD's proofs you are reading. Believing in GOD's proofs will
bring prosperity in this world and in the hereafter, one will be close to GOD
eternally. On the other hand, disobeying GOD's commandments and denying
His proofs, will hurt no one except the person him/herself. Journal of Submission Volume 8, Number 7 March 2001 Editors: Ali R. Fazely and Miln
Sulc E-mail: Awsome Mathematical Proof One
more time, GOD is telling us that the Quran is a fuuly detailed book revealed
to people in order to take them out of the darkness into the light. GOD
revealed the Quran as a warner as well as a bearer of good news. GOD
has spelled His will for the people and going along with GOD's will brings
happness and an imaginable reward in the hereafter. As so many times
before, we are blessed by witnessing the mathematics of the Quran proving
that we are dealing with the truth from our Lord. The mathematics
described in th earticle is from sura 19 in the Quran. We have seen that the
order of revelation of the Quran and the corresponding compostional order of
the Quran have an awesome intricate relation that could only be authored by
GOD alone. Sura
19 is called Mary and it has 98 verses and the word "Allah"
or GOD ahs been mentioned only 8 times. Note that 8th prime number is
19. Sura 19 is also the 6th initialled
sura that was revealed. Note that the 619 is prime number and its index
is 114 and that 114 = 6 x 19. I remind the reader that 114 is the
number of suras in the Quran. The word GOD is mentioned for the first time in
this sura in verse 30. Note that 30 is the 19th composite. This verse
refers to a great proof from GOD and it follows,
19:30 -- He said: " Indeed I am a servant of
GOD. He has given the scripture and has made me a prophet." This
is the new-born baby Jesus talking, by GOD's command, to his mother's
accusers. According to the mathematics of the Quran this verse has an
important position to show us and prove to us that this event actually
happened. 19:30 is the 114th verse containing the word "Allah" in
the revelation order. The number 114 being the number of chapters in
the Quran, also tells that Jesus like other messengers and prophets would
have believed and preached the Quran which is GOD's word. These
awesome mathematical signs are proofs that Quran is the narration of GOD and
these miracles actually did occur and since you and I were not there, GOD
gives us assurance in the Quran and proves to us by the Ultimate Mathematics
that can only be designed by GOD alone. We, therefore, should never
slip in our obedience of GOD's commandments in the Quran and after witnessing
these awesome proofs, our responsibilty is greater than those who were not
witness to them.
Another Tragedy in Mina During
the last Haj about three weeks ago, according to the news agencies, 35
pilgrims were killed near a place which the practice of symbolic stoning of
the devil is exercised. The same event happened three years ago in the same
place where many more people were trampled to death by surging crowd eager to
stone the devil. This ritual is not mentioned in the Quran and in order to
remain within GOD's law we must obey the Quran. GOD tells in the Quran that
satan has no power over those who devote themselves absolutely to GOD alone. The
word Mina has never been mentioned in the Quran. The rites of Haj is spelled
out precisely in the Quran and they are very simple. GOD tells us where we
should visit and what we should do, even a rite as common as a haircut is
mentined. Haj can be performed in the first ten days the four sacred months
of "ZelHejja', Muharram, Safar and RabeeolAwwal". These
so-called accidents during pilgrimage should not happen, becaude GOD tells
that He has made Kaaba a secure place. Therefore, whatever tragic event
happens is because of our own disobedience of GOD's commandments. We
must obey GOD to the last detail as He has decreed the religion for us. GOD
ask us in the Quran:
49:16 -- Say, " Are you teaching GOD about
your religion? and GOD knows what is in the skies and what is on the land,
and GOD is All Knowing of all things." One
should not take this question lightly and try to stick to GOD's word.
Prosperity and happiness in this world and eternal bliss in the hereafter is
GOD's promise to those who obey His Will.
Annual Meeting is Baton Rouge We
will have our annual meeting here in Baton Rouge, LA on July 6 and 7, 2001,
insha Allah. Tahir Majeed has reserved a block of rooms at the Comfort
Inn University Center at a rate of $45 per night. Please refer to the Quran
Conference when making reservation. All
activities will be held at the hotel insha Allah,. The address is: 2445
S. Acadian Thruway Baton
Rouge, LA 70808 Phone:
(225) 927-5790 Fax:
(225) 925-0084 The
agenda for the meeting will be posted on this site soon, insha Allah.
Journal of Submission
Volume 8, No. 2 June-July-August 2000 GOD Insists upon Perfecting His
Light Sura 9 has 127 verses Letter
from the Editor: Once
again, by GOD's Grace we are back to the above title and God's persistence to
keep His word pure. Bear in mind that laws and regulations practiced in
many parts of the world in the name of Islam have nothing to do with God's
commandments in the Quran. This is nothing but attributing falsehood
to God and is a great blasphemy. These practices are equivalent to
additions and deletions to the Quran in order to preserve their traditions
and the pride of the days of ignorance. These Signs sent from God and
His insistence that the number of verses in Sura 9 is to warn us that His
word has to be obeyed without imput from people's opinions.
15:9 - Surely, We have revealed the reminder and indeed We are its protector. The
mathematics again preserves the number of verses in Sura 9 as being 127
verses and this time points to the very first sura in order of revelation,
chapter 96.. Again the mathematics crosses number bases and glorifies
GOD by absolute submission to Him. Let us
study the first sura ever revealed, chapter 96. This sura was the very
first one revealed. The number 9619 is a very interesting prime.
It is a lonely prime and its index is 1187 which also happens to be a lonely
prime. The index of 1187 in the domain of lonely primes is 114, the
number of chapters in the Quran. As I mentioned, 9619 is a lonely prime
and it is the 790th such prime. If one assumes that 790 is written in
the base 19, then if one writes it in base 10 it is 2698. Remember that
2698 is the number of times the word GOD appears in the entire Quran.
Therefore, verse 96:19 possesses a pivotal role in the Quranic mathematical
structure. Now let us review the verse 9:127 and its mathematical
properties. The number of the numbered verses in the un-initialed
chapters up to 9:127 is 670. The total number of numbered verses up to
9:127 is 1362 which is the 1143rd composite and we already know that:
1143 = 9 X 127 and;
1143 - 670 = 473
473 = 11 X 43 Now
let us examine the permutation group properities of the number 1362. We
can make 24, 4-digit numbers as shown in the following table. Index
Group Element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
3126 2
3162 3
3216 4
3261 5
3612 6
3621 7
6123 8
6132 9
6213 10
6231 11
6312 12
6321 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us
look at the group elements with indices of 1, 4, 9 and 19. The
index number 1 is 1236 and it is the number of numbered verses up to and
including 9:1. If one assumes that 1236 is written in base 8 or octal,
then converted to the decimal base it is 670. As, mentioned above 670
is the number of verses in the un-initialed suras up to and including
9:127. Therefore, 1236 signifies the beginning and ending of sura 9 by
GOD's design. Index 4 is the number of numbered verses up to and
including 9:127. The group element with index 9 is 2316. If one
assumes that 2316 is written in base 8 or octal, then is converted to the
decimal base it is 1230. The number 1230 is the number of verses in the
initialed verses up to and including 19:1. The
19th group element if 6123 and this is exactly the number of verses
from the beginning of the Quran to 96:19 Such
is GOD's Design, Creator of all things. There
Is No Capital I In Islam There
Is No Capital M In Moslem By:
Hossein Kowsari Islam-total
surrender to God and only God - is as old as creation. Before humanity
appeared on the scene it was the religion of the universe and all the
creatures that inhabitied it, and continues to be the religion of
nature. All of God's prophets and messengers practiced islam and
brought the message of islam for humanity - surrender to God and worship of
God alone. The first man of knowledge was a moslem - one who practices
islam in actions and attitude. He was created with almost infinite
potential to assimiliate divine attributes in order to fit himself as the
vicegerent of God on earth. Some religions start the life of humanity
with what is generally termed the Fall of Man. The so called Christian
version depicts the expulsion of man from paradise because of having eaten
the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Quran
too uses the term for the transitional period when man was given freewill to
be able to go at his own peril, of course-even against God and nature.
According to Quran, it was not knowledge but ignorance that drove him out, it
was the misuse of the freewill granted to him, that caused his
downfall. Quran does not base its superstructure on the fall. Sin
or grace, virtue or vice are not inherited. Man's responsible existence
started with his freewill and his endowment of knowledge. Humanity is
not tainted with any original sin becuase of the disobedience of a primeval
progenitor. Faith in the moral order which Quran enjoins and all
prophets and messengers have confirmed presupposes freewill. If man
were born with an incorrigible congenital bent towards sin, the Creator would
be more diabolical than divine. Such a God would be neither just nor
good. Quran categorically and emphatically repudiates such false
doctrine - original sin- transmitted by inheritance.
17:15 " Whoever is guided is guided for his own good, and whoever
goes astray does so to his own detriment. No sinner will bear the sins
of anyone else."
2:254 "Give (to others) from Our provisions to you, before a day
comes where there is no bargaining, there is no nepotism, and there is no
intercession..." Humanity
starts with the emergence of freewill which may manifest itself as
disobedience to God or the laws of nature. Man does not start life with
perverted instincts. All of his instincts, like the instincts of
animals, are instruments of the preservation of life; it is only with false
knowledge and perverted freewill that disorder sets in.
30:30 "Therefore you shall devote yourselves to the religion of
strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the people
by God. Such creation of God will never change. This is the perfect
religion, but most people do not know." Thus
islam is not a man-made creed, it is not a set of instructions, rituals, and
laws; it is the natural religion, religion of nature. In the case of
man, nature within him rightly adjusted to the nature without him, will
harmonize him with himself, and of course with God. Islam,
the religion preached and practiced by all the messengers and prophets, from
Abraham to Zartosht(Zaroastar), did not obviously originate with Muhammad.
Islam means peace and surrender (to the will of God). These two
meanings have a common psychological root. God is the universal
creative and preservative will of existence, God stands for harmony and
anything that stands for conflict is anti-God. No man can be at peace
with himself or with others or with his environment unless he voluntarily
surrenders her will to the universal will, will of God. Sin is nothing
but self-centered particularity. It is egotism and arrogance that
refuses to recognize God, The Absolute, The Unique, The One, and refuses to
recognize that the good of all is the good of everyone. Quran
promulgates the doctrine of unity of religions, however, it considers only
theistic religions as true religion and thus recognizes only those creeds in
which the absolute oneness and uniqueness of God is realized; all else is
barbarity and ignorance which degrades man to such an extent that he becomes
subhuman. Quran says in 7:179 "...they are as cattle; nay, they
are in worse error..." Wherever there is true religion there is no
monopoly of salvation. Quran says Abraham was not a Jew and Christ was
not a Christian; their religion was the same primeval and eternal islam-
submission- the religion of the identification of human and divine will to
attain that perfect harmony which is the ideal urge and goal, not only of
humanity but of the entire creation. Quran says, 2:113 " The
Jews say, the Christians have no basis (for their beliefs), while the
Christians say, the Jews have no basis (for their beliefs)- and both quote
the scripture..." Both of them - as so many other groups - assert
for their respective groups the monopoly of salvation and truth. Quran
categorically repudiates all ideas of monopoly in truth or salvation.
Salvation or peace here and hereafter is for him who submits to God and does
vituous deeds; the very essentials of religion. Belief in the moral
order or the law of moral compensation along with belief in God, as the
source of the moral and natural order completes the faith of man if he is
also doer of good deeds. Quran implicitly and explicitly repeats this
message throughout;
2:62 "Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and
Christians and the Converts, (...) whoever believes in God and the Last Day
and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no
fear for them, nor shall they grieve." This
is not a mere religious tolerance which is a very negative attitude; it is a
positive injunction to extend the brotherhood of faith to all those who have
the essentials of faith although they may differ in their rituals. Each
creed has its rituals, of course, and there are rituals for the followers of
Quran as well, but Quran gives subordinate and secondary place to all the
rituals. It is enjoined upon the followers of Quran, for example, to
turn his face toward the Holy Mosque in Mecca, while offering the daily
prayers. But fearing lest it be considered as part of the essence of
submission to God, Quran says there is no special virtue in this that you
turn your face toward the east or the west;
2:115 "God's is the east and the west; therefore wither you turn
there is God's countenance".
2:177 "Righteousness is not merely turning your faces towards the
east or the west. Righteous is the one who believes in God and the Last
Day and the angels and the revelations and the prophets..." Islam
is eternal, it is a creed that can never become outworn. It is not like
the creeds that have their day and then cease to be. Human history is a
limbo of outworn creeds and discredited dogmas, here today gone tomorrow, as
Quran says, 3:137
"(Many) ways of life have come and gone before your time; roam the earth
(O man) and see what happened in the end to those who rejected the
truth." The
eternal teachings of Quran cover all aspects of life from particulars to
general, nothing is left out as it must not be since it recognizes no other
source. It enjoins that the development of life must remain open on
every side, the road to infinite knowledge must be open, the road to the
conquest of nature through understanding must be open; the way to the unity
of humanity and to the one world must be open. All gods must be
dethroned to make way for the worship of the One God, All Powerful Creator
and Sustainer. All intermediaries between God and man must be brushed
aside and discarded so that man may directly contact God at any time of the
day or night, at any location, at any place, and virtually stand face to face
with his Creator, life eternal. Man shall not worship man and no
professionally religious priesthood is recognized. The
ideal man in Quran is conceived to be a being before whom even angels
prostrate because he God's spirit in him, because of his superior knowledge
and because he surrenders to God; he is God's vicegerent on earth.
Quran says everything in the heavens and earth is destined to be controlled
by man on the condition that he is true to his real self and identifies his
will with God's will-universal will. Islam means the conquest of peace
and happiness and the attainment of power through surrender. This
surrender is not to be a surrender to any natural force or to any mundane
power but to God and God only. According to Quran, man's real self is a
divine self because God breathed His own spirit into it. Man's nature
is an implicit covenant with his Creator and the fulfillment of that eternal
covenant is life eternal. Man is a goal seeking animal. His life
becomes a failure when he sets up the wrong goal for himself. Quran has
set up a goal before man which he can approach eternally. God is and
must be the source as well as the goal of life. Recognizing
God as the promulgator of the moral order and the judge of good and evil, we
are asked to synthesize the concepts of love and justice. According to
Quran the two concepts include each other. If God is loving and just,
then Him alone man must serve, obey and worship. The first Sura that we
repeat in all daily prayers, and on every momentous occasion says
" Thee alone we serve and Thee alone we ask for help".
The word 'ibadat' translated here as 'serve' has a much wider significance in
the original Arabic than is conveyed by the word 'service'. It means
wholehearted obedience as well as worship. It means the total surrender
of will to the will of another, thus the word 'abd' from the same root means
slave, one whole will and life are always at the disposal of his master.
Islam, total and sincere surrender to the will of God necessarily does and
must lead to that type of action and attitude, as denoted by the word Ibadat;
without any trace of pride and arrogance on our part. What
is asked by God is voluntary and loving service. If God is our ideal,
we are asked to serve Him only. If the ideal is the sum total of all
the values of life, then surely no man can rightly serve anything else.
When we serve other things besides the ideal we go astray and jeopardize our
lives. When we serve individual instincts without subordinating them to
the ideal we create chaos in our lives. If we serve money, the material
things of life or power we are not true to our higher selves. When we
serve other human beings out of love or material gains, we do injustice to
ourselves and to others. When we superstitiously serve gods of our own
making or the forces of nature; being overawed by them, we are injuring the
dignity of humanity. True freedom, true self actualization and highest
self esteem lies only in the service of ideal. The man who serves
many ideals and diverse urges, mutally hostile and uncoordinated, disrupts
the harmony of his being. Quran says;
39:29 "God sets forth a parable; as man who has for his masters
several partners, at variance with one another, and a man depending wholly on
one; are these two comparable? All praise belongs to God, but most of
them do not use their reason." Life
cannot be lived completely unless all our ideals and urges are merged in a
single all embracing ideal whose service should be completely satisfying by
doing justice to all aspects of our being. The tragedy of human life is
that man is dominated by false fears and is tempted by illusory gains which
draw him away from the ideal. Exclusive service of God means
identification with the will of God. Total surrender also means, not the
negation of our dignity, but is complete fulfillment; it is the only way of
self-realization. It means the conquest of life and happiness and
tranquility, we stoop- to God and none other- to conquer, and we will
conquer; as Quran says, " is they who have achieved triumph." There
is now, as has been throughout history, revolt against "religion"
from those who preach "self" above all and consider service of God
to be slave morality and teachings; to those who say religion was born out of
ignorance and fear by man. They assert that religion teaches slavery;
it is an opiate for the oppressed conconcted by the exploiters of humanity;
man, they claim, should not serve any power except the dignity of his own
humanity. I have
put the word religion in quotations at the beginning of the above paragraph
because the way the so called "religions" are practiced today, some
of the charges may be true. This corruption of the unity of shared
ideals of all religions - worship and serving God and God alone with no
intermediaries and no priesthood of any kind - is man made and thus blame
lies elsewhere and not with God who sent all the messengers with the same
essential, universal message. All
objections, therefore, are nullified when we keep in mind the Quranic concept
of God, as preached by all messengers, and the service and worship that is
due Him. God is a creative being; He is a life force. He is Rabb,
the Cherisher, the Forsterer, He is God of development, a guarantee of the
preservation of life and its values. When we are asked to serve God we
are asked to serve and advance reason and justice in life. There is no
commandment which is not in the interest of our own advancement.
According to Quran, every act of rightful living is an act of worship.
The entire creation is meant to worship God and does worship God voluntarily
or involuntarily, consciously or unconsciously. Enjoying the good
things of life, procured by rightful effort, is an act of worship.
7:32 "Say: who has prohibited the nice things God brought
forth for His servants and the good provisions..."
17:44 "The seven heavens extol His limitless glory, and the earth
and all they contain; and there is not a single thing that does not extol His
limitless glory. But is it you who does not grasp the manner of their
glorification". We are
asked then to serve and worship Him whom all nature serves and obeys.
Obedience to the laws of our own nature is worship and service of God.
We are not asked to obey a power external to us because of fear. Quran
says that true religion is our own nature divinely created and
ordained. The Ideal, then, that we are asked to serve exclusively, is
also the Ideal of entire creation. Service of God is living in time
with the infinite and harmonizing with the laws of our own being. All
life is God - created, God-guided, and God-nourished. Every aspect of
existence can serve the purpose of our life; man is destined to command all
existence. But man can do this by knowledge and obedience to God's
laws. We rise through knowledge only when we obey the dictates of knowledge;
thereby we become masters and not slaves of existence. Surrender to God
the Ideal, is freedom in the true sense. We must refuse to be slaves to
any partial aspect of existence or to any being other than God, however
threatening it may appear. Man is enslaved by man; he is also enslaved
by his own ignorance. He has a tendency to serve any power by which he
is enslaved. Truth is deliverance from any and all types of slavery. Man is
a worshipping animal. If he will not worship God, he will worship idols
of his own making. There is no greater calamity for man than to worship
things that are not only below God but even below himself. He who
worships any thing or any being except God degrades himself beyond
measure. Islam; total surrender and worship of God is not a magical act
to bring about supernatural interferences in a causally regulated
world. It is not flattering an infinite power to win favors from
Him. It is not a set of instructions, rituals, declarations and
prohibititons. It is truly dedication to the spirit of life. It
is the gaining of freedom, it is the winning of independence by repudiation
of all "powers" except the All Powerful, the source of all power. Islam
is the winning of independence and the attainment of peace and tranquility by
repudiation and total rejection of any and all beings as having any ability
to do anything for us - except God, the One, the Only One , the absolutely
Unique One - the One Who cannot be described, cannot be compared,
cannot be imagined - the One Who neither begets nor is begotten, the Eternal,
the Uncaused Cause of all that exists, the Doer of all things, the One Who
gives us life, the One Who gives us contentment and tranquility, the One Who
guides us, the One Who feeds us, the One Who quenches our thirst, the One Who
will not abandon us, the One Who gives us all that we have, the One Who heals
us when we get sick, the One Who can forgive us and our foolishness, the One
Who hears our prayers in the middle of the day, or in the middle of the night,
the One Who is always there for us to turn to; the One Who will not disown
us; we belong to Him, we will return to Him; the One Who knows us infinitely
better than ourselves, the One Who is near us, always; the One Who is Rabb,
Lord of us all, of all the worlds, of all beings, of all that exists, Lord of
believers and rejectors, of the arrogant and the humble, Lord of Moses and
Pharoah, Lord of Jesus and Caesar; Lord of Muhammad and the Persian king;
Lord of the lions and the lambs; the One Who has told us never to lose hope
of His mercy because only ungrateful rejectors of truth lose hope of God's
All praise belongs to God
Volume 8 No. 1, April - May
Editor: Ali R. Fazely
Associate Editors: Saied Andalib and Milan Sulc
P.O. Box 80333
Baton Rouge, Lousisiana 70808
We Are
Beginning Our 8th Year By GOD's Grace Letter
from the Editor: This
issue marks the completion of seven years of publication of the Journal of
Submission and the beginning of its eighth year by the Grace of the
Almighty. We have always asked GOD to make us adhere to HIS word, the
Quran, and help us not to deviate from it. GOD accordingly has revealed
many facets of His Book to us and has proven to us that the Quran is a fully
detailed book and that it is mathematically coded with mathematics impossible
for humans to handle (Ultimate Mathematics). We have learned that we
must worship GOD ALONE and never set up partners for HIM. We have
learned that we must call upon our Creator, GOD, with names that He calls
Himself in the Quran. We have learned that nothing is possible without
GOD's will, permission, and help. We have learned that we must be
patient and do not rush. We have learned that we must be kind and
caring. We have learned that we must not aggress. We have learned
that we must be content with what GOD has given us and not be greedy for
more. We have learned that this worldly life is nil compared to the
hereafter. We have learned that we have to be grateful to GOD for only
a few of GOD's servants are grateful. We have learned that we must
encourage righteousness and discourage evil. We have learned that the
more we obey GOD's commandments the better off we are. GOD
has blessed us with His Grace and will continue to shower us with His
blessings as long as we are grateful and appreciative to Him. In the start of
the eighth year of this Journal, we ask GOD to keep us in the straight path
and give us refuge from the enticements of the devil. I am saying to
you that GOD is always near and He responds to those who call upon Him,
therefore you should respond to GOD and believe in Him that you may be
guided. [1]
GOD Insists: Sura 9 has 127
verses Again,
by GOD's Grace we are back to the above title and GOD's insistence to keep
His word pure. I repeat myself and warn those who insist upon additions
to and deletions from the Quran in order to preserve their traditions and the
pride of the days of ignorance. These Signs from GOD and His
persistence is to warn us that His word has to be obeyed without input from
people's opinion.
15:9 - Surely, We have revealed the reminder and
indeed We are its protector. The
mathematics again preserves the count of verses and points to chapter nine
having 127 verses. This time the mathematics crosses across number bases and
glorifies GOD by absolute submission to Him. The
number of the numbered verses in the un-initialed chapters up to 9:127 is
670. The total number of numbered verses up to 9:127 is 1362 and it is
the 1143rd composite and we already know that.
1143 = 9 x 127
1143 - 670 =
473 = 11 x 43 Now
let us examine the verse 11:43. This verse is the 1514th numbered verse
from the beginning of the Quran. The index of the composite 1514 is
1273 = 19 x 67 is exactly the total frequency of the word
"Allah" up to 9:127. We know that the 8th prime number
is 19 and now let us assume that 1514
is written in octal or base 8. If we write in decimal or 10 that
everyone is used to, we obtain the number 844. The
number 844 is exactly the number of verses in the initialed chapters until
verse 11:43. Such
is GOD's Design, Creator of all things. GOD's
Provisions Spread Throughout the Universe Recently,
NASA announced the possible discovery of liquid water flowing on the Martian
surface. We have known for a long time that water in the form of ice
exists in the polar region of Mars, but this new discovery is telling us that
GOD has also provided the water in liquid form for future colonizers of
Mars. The Quran informs us that GOD created every living thing from
water [2]. Therefore, one would expect that life at some level must
exist on Mars. Remember that when GOD refers to the word
"Ardh" in the Quran, He does not mean Earth, but all planets and
their moons that He has "spread out" throughout the universe.
Therefore, there is no reason not to expect living creatures throughout the
universe. Therefore, there is no reason not to expect living creatures
throughout GOD's land that He, by the way, calls it
"spacious". The discovery of life on other planets will be
further proof of GOD's Omnipotence.
Gay lifestyle Condemned by GOD In the
past 20 years or so the open gay lifestyle has been in the news and there is
push to make this sexual orientation an acceptable norm of the society.
The state of Vermont has recently passed legislatures legalizing gay
unions. We know from the Quran as well as previous scriptures that GOD
annihilated the people of Lot for practicing this way of life. GOD
calls this an "abomination" as we read in the Quran: 26:160
- The people of Lot disbelieved the messengers. 26:161
- Their brother Lot said to them, "Would you not be righteous?" 26:162
- "I am an honest messenger to you." 26:163
- "Observe God and obey me." 26:164
- "I do not ask you for any pay; my wage comes from God, Lord of the
universe." 26:165
- "How could you practice sex with males; 26:166
- instead of your wives that your Lord created for you?: You are really
wicked" 26:167
- They said, "Unless you refrain, O Lot, you will be banished." 26:168
- He said, "I condemn your actions." 26:169
- "My Lord, deliver me and my family from their works." 26:170
- We saved him and all his family; 26:171
- execpt a condmned old woman. 26:172
- And we destroyed the others. 26:173
- We showered them a miserable shower, after having warned them. 26:174
- This should be a lesson, but most people are not to believe. 26:175
- Surely, your Lord is the Almighty, the All Merciful. We see
from these verses that wages of this sin is death and GOD saved Lot's family
except for his wife who used to betray Lot and had feelings toward the
sinners. Quran also teaches us that when the number of gays increases
in a society they will impose their lifestyles on others. GOD tells us
in the Quarn [3] when His messengers went to Lot the people of the city came
joyfully and demanded from Lot to turn over his guests to them. Lot was
so embarrassed that he tells them it would be more righteous if they take his
daughters. Lot's people then respond: "you know what we want". GOD
has given us a warning in the form of AIDS, but people still heedlessly
practice this abomination and try to make it a recognized way of life.
Remember that Lot never resorted to voilence against his people and people
who practice gay-bashing and other violent means are not inspired by GOD. Our
sole mission is to deliver GOD's message and advocate righteousness and
discourage evil. Recently, here in Baton Rouge, a group of high school
students in McKinely High School proposed the establishment of the
Gay-Straight Alliance club and unfortunately it was approved. The
students duped many people into thinking that their struggle is as just as
the Civil Rights struggle of the 60's. We, as students of the Quran,
know that the variation of skin color is a SIGN FROM GOD, while the gay
lifestyle is an ABOMINATION. We accordingly love GOD's Signs and
dislike abominations.
Another Mathematical Sign From God Th
number of suras in the Quran is 114 in which 29 of them are initialed.
This will leave us with 85 un-initialed suras in the Quran. There is a
unique mathematical property associated with the composite number 2985 as we
will see below. We know that every composite number can be factored out
into prime numbers. Therefore:
2985 = 3 x 5 x
199 The
indices of the prime numbers 3, 5, and 199 are 2, 3, and 46. The number
2346 is the exact count of numbered verses until the end of chapter 19.
We have known this for a few years that the index of composite 2346 is 1998
and that sura 19 has 98 verses and that
2346 = 23 x 2 x
3 x17 Where
the indices of these primes are 9, 1, 2, 7. This again tells us that
sura 9 has 127 verses.
A Note A
Farsi translation of the Quarn by Behruz Mofidi is available.
Interested parties should contact him directly in order to obtain more
information. His address/phone number/website is:
P.O. Box 251902
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: (310) 262-7838 Behruz
Mofidi has expressed and is expressing, in the strongest terms, that
although; he has translated preface, the footnotes, the subtitles, the items
in the parenthesis, and the appendices from Rashad's English translation of
the Quran; these items ARE NOT parts of the Quran. The explanation of
the mathematical structure of the Quran and the count of the initials as it
was revealed to Rashad is an implicit Quranic component. A web
version of Behruz's translation is now available for the viewers on May GOD reward Behruz.
The editor
A Note A
second Farsi translation of the Quran has just been completed by Hossein
Kowsari. For more information, please contact Hossien at the following
e-mail: Hossien's
mailing address and telephone number is:
Hossien Kowsari
P.O. Bow 612486
San Jose, CA
Tel: (408)
References [1]
Quran, 2:186 [2]
Quran, 24:45 [3]
Quran, 11:77-79
Happy Ramadan The
month of Ramadan is upon us again as a blessing from GOD. This is a
chance for us to redeen ourselves and put oursleves in charge of
our bodies for a whole month. According to GOD's commandment in the
Quran as it was decreed to those before the revelation of the Quran, we are
to abstain from eating, drinking and sexsual contact from dawn to
night. GOD tells us fasting is best for us only if we knew. Those
amongst us who are blessed by wealth, should feed the poor and the
needy. If one is ill or on a trip, he/she shall substitute
equivalent days to compensate for the days he/she has missed. We
ask GOD to help us during this month so we are able to fulfil our duties.
The first day of Rmadan:
November 26, 2000
The last day of Ramadan:
December 25, 2000 Journal of Submission Volume 8, Number 3 September-October-November 2000 Doing Good is the First
Inspiration form GOD Letter
from the Editor: For so
many years we have been advocating upholding GOD's commandments in the Quran,
but as always we do not get our priorties in line
as GOD wants us do. This happens because we always approach the Quran
in less than a sincere way. This approach will leave us reading verses
in the Quran many times and miss the point that GOD wants us to see and
uphold. Before I get too carried away, let me site a verse for you from
the Quran that I have referred to so many times to people but failed to see
its actual significance and awesome meaning. Here is the verse: 21:73
-- And We made them leaders who guided according to our commandments and
inspired in them to do good, and to perform the Salat (contact prayer) and to
give the Zakat (obligitory charity). To us, they were worshipers. This
verse was quoted to argue that performance of Salat is an inspiration from
GOD which is absolutely correcrt. However, note the way GOD prioritize His
Inspiartions. He first inspires people to do good, then He inspires them to
do the contact prayer and finally to give the Zakat. This
means that people who behave arrogantly and treat others with mean
heartedness and turn around and do their contact prayers are not inspired by
GOD. They have their priorities mixed up. GOD does not command
according to confusion. We read over and over in the Quran "those
who believe and lead a righteous life...", which means that believing is
only the first step and we must augment it with good work. I do not
know how to tell you to do good work, because it is an inspiration from
GOD. However, reading the Quran tells us being humble is righteous, sheltering
orphan is righteous, truthfulness is good, sincerity is good, helping
others is good, being
nice to others is good and many other good things that people who are
inspired by GOD do automatically without even thinking about it. We,
therefore, should ask these questions from ourselves. Have been nice to
people? Have we been nice to the traveling alien. Did we despise the beggar?
Did we invest our time and our money helping others. Did we give the
adopted child his/her genetic name? Do we treat our parents nicely? Do we
spy? Are we suspicious? Do we tell half truth? Do we subdue our eyes?
Do we frown? Do we shelter the orphan? The answers to these questions
should be given honestly and truthfully and if done so, GOD will see to it
that our lives will change for the better and we are in the position to obey
GOD better and better. Being
nice is so important, especially in this month of Ramadan. We are fasting and
the fasting is for GOD alone. No one owes anything just because we are
fasting. We cannot turn into mean and obnoxious creatures during the
day and just refrain from eating and drinking. We must suppress the feeling
of just because of fasting we maybe better than everyone else. These
can be achieved only by GOD's help. We cannot do this on our own. I can
tell you that the only way to be inspired by GOD, is to ask Him and He will
respond and I give you the good news by refering to this Sign from GOD. 2:186
-- And when my servants ask you about Me, Indeed I am always near. I
respond to the calling of the caller when he calls. Then you shall respond to
me and believe in Me that you may be guided. This
is the good news of the Quran when all else fails. This is how
"good" replaces "evil" within a person. Approach
GOD humbly and He will respond. Also
one has to recognize that he or she is not leading a righteous life or is not
doing good. Again, this is only achieved by GOD's help. Journal of Submission Volume 8, Number 4 December 2000 GOD's Awesome Sign Count of Verses is Sura 9 is 127 We
have seen so many times GOD's proofs of the counts of verses in the Quran and
that every sura is to have a specific number of verses and GOD has promissed
that He has revealed the Quran and that He protects it.
15:9 -- Indeed we have revealed the reminder and indeed we are its
protector GOD
has revealed and has collected the Quran with a built-in internal self
consistency check based on mathematics of primes and their indices well
beyond our knowledge. There
are two orders to the suras and verses in Quran. One is the order of
revelation and the other is the conventional order. The order of
revelation places sura 96 as the first sura and the last sura as 110. The
conventional order is what GOD collected as we see it today as sura 1 being
"the Opener" and the last sura is being "the
People". Accordingly, when we talk about verse 19 of chapter 96,
we should note that this is the 19th verse that was revealed. From the
prevoius articles in this jounal we know that this verse has a pivotal role
in controlling the number of verses in sura 9. Therefore, when we count
number of verses in the Quran, we are really counting them in two orders,
conventional and revelation. In
this article we will see GOD's awesome sign of how these two orders of
counting coincide to keep the count of verses in sura 9 as 127. The
counts of verses from the beginning of the Quran until 9:127 in the
conventional order is 1362. The index of composite 1362 is 1143 and we
know that:
1143 = 9 x 127. Now if
we count only the number of verses in the unintialed sura until 9:127 in the
conventional order we get 670 and we have the following relation between 670
and 1143;
1143 - 670 = 473
473 = 11 x 43 Now
let us concentrated on 11 and 43 and indices of primes 31 and 191 and
multiplying 31 and 191 will get us
31 x 191 = 5921 Please
keep the two numbers 473 and 5921 in mind. The
5921st verse in the conventional order is the same as the 473rd verse in the
revelation order. This
is GOD's design to again reasure us as we finished the month of Ramadan that
we are being reminded . This is awesome blessing from our Creator and
accordingly our responsibility is higher than those who do not know about
these proofs from GOD. All
praises are due to GOD, Creator of all things.